Monday, November 1, 2010

What is the benefit of going green

Going green has many effects on the environment, students, and schools. Going green is becoming extremely popular because of its effects on the environment and people. There are many benefits and advantages to going green.

By going green, it greatly affects ones health and well being. It creates healthier air quality and decreases the amount of infectious diseases because of the lessened use of chemicals and pesticides. It increases the health of the students because of healthier eating habits, and better air quality. Also, many workers die in coal mines and oil rigs. Going green lessens the amount of death of workers because going green lessens the decreases the use of fossil fuels. Going green also decreases the amount of money spent in schools on heating costs, electricity, and water.  Since schools save a great amount of money by going green, the left over money can go towards other important things, such as buying computers for the schools

Going green has many positives and it has an extreme amount of benefits. If every school went green, the environment would be in much better shape, and everyone living within it would be much healthier.

Water conservation

What many schools have begun to do, is find ways to conserve water. Water conservation is important because we use water faster then it takes for the water to recycle back into the environment. In schools, they have found many ways to conserve their water, and to teach their students the importance of water conservation.
 By conserving water, we are helping the environment.  Since people use water up faster then it takes the water to recycle back into the environment,  the use of drinking water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants and septic systems are used more, to provide enough drinking water for everyone. By using less water, we are using less energy.

Many ways that schools conserve water is by mowing the lawn less frequently because more evaporation occurs when the grass is shorter. This can save 500 to 3000 gallons of water a month. Schools also keep a cover over the school pool when it is not in use, to prevent evaporation. Schools have also have started washing dishes by hand instead of a dishwasher because it uses less water, and also putting posters in classrooms to make students aware of the importance of water conservation. By using less water, it will greatly benefit the environment, and it will decrease the amount of money being spent in schools.